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Protecting What Matters – Your Sensitive Data

As security breaches escalate, Lawmakers and Regulators around the world continue to implement new and expanded frameworks to protect critical data. Exacting requirements for advanced encryption, access polices and process controls are leading characteristics of these initiatives. Failure to comply results in loss of certification, trust and business.

IT footprint for enterprises is undergoing radical change
Cloud adoption, Big Data and Virtualization are bringing economic benefits and business agility while also fundamentally changing where computing takes place, and where protected data is used. Security is the #1 concern.

What’s needed is Data-Centric Security
Defense in depth that starts from the inside out (where the data is), not from the outside in.

Eidoltroner Technologies solutions put the safeguards and access controls for your critical data with your data. A data security for protected information is the result - wherever it resides in the technology stack – across physical, virtual, big data and cloud environments.