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Improve service levels. Keep costs low. Enhance flexibility. Simplify management.

You ask a lot of your IT infrastructure
The reality is that you need an IT infrastructure designed for data, tuned to the task and managed in the cloud. If your IT staff spends all of their time managing IT, they won’t be working with you to drive innovation. You need your infrastructure to help you in the marketplace, to help you innovate, to help you be more competitive, to help you succeed
Today, success demands agility. You need to adjust to changes in your business, from your customers, and in the world. We offer a range of virtualization solutions designed to help your business be more agile

With the number of applications in your portfolio growing every day, you can’t afford to add a new server and storage system for each new workload. Server consolidation and storage consolidation with virtualization can help you optimize your IT resources. With virtualization, you can reduce the number of servers, storage, desktop, and network devices to reduce complexity and make IT management simpler. You can also reduce electricity used to power and cool these systems and save on floor space in your data center.

Consolidating servers and storage with virtualization can help you get the most out of your IT investments – and this is an important step toward a cloud-based infrastructure. But as the number of virtual servers and storage systems increases, your IT staff may find themselves occupied with different IT problems. You need virtualization management solutions that put all of your provisioning, management and diagnostic tools onto a single pane of glass so your IT experts can concentrate on business issues instead of IT problems.

As your marketplace and the world change, your business needs to adapt with them. Which means your IT systems need to be flexible. With vitualization, you can assign resources to your highest priority business needs. But how can you make systems even more responsive? With data center automation. Based on best practices and business rules, data center automation solutions help your IT systems respond automatically to changing business conditions.